Main Point: Because Jesus ascended, we can live in the power of the promised Spirit and witness to His resurrection!
1. Jesus’ ascension marked the completion & acceptance by God of Jesus’ work of redemption. John 4:34; 6:38
> Hebrews 1:3b ‘After He provided purification for sins, He sent down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.’
*Jesus’ finished work has brought us forgiveness and redemption. > Romans 3:24-25
>This is why Luke records Peter’s words in Acts 4:12…
2. Jesus’ ascension inaugurated the giving of the promised Spirit. verse 4.
Jesus taught this in John 16:7; 14:16-20, 25-26
> *So important Jesus tells them to wait for the Spirit.
Ezekiel 36:24-27; Jeremiah 31:33 > *This is the transforming of our minds and hearts we need to live and witness for Jesus!
The Spirit prepares us for the works we are to do! Eph.2:10
The Spirit releases the spiritual gifts God gives to us:
I Cor. 12:4-6 No longer ‘I have to do this’ > ‘I want to…’
3. Jesus ascension marked the return of the Lord Jesus to the Father - to the Glory He had before with the Father.
*Glory = full of honor, praise, worship John 14:28; 16:5;17:4-5
*We are to look forward to His return, but be focused on the
Mission He’s given us!