
Message: “The Transforming Spirit” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” The Transforming Spirit
Romans 8:1-4
Main Point:
Jesus sent His Spirit to live in us and transform us in our weakness that we may live new life in this world!

1. Pentecost’s Provision – Acts 1:4-8 Jesus promises the Holy Spirit will come to them, indwell and empower them

2. Believers Privilege! 2:1-4 The Holy Spirit is poured out on all the believers, not just the apostles…

3. He is the indwelling Spirit. He is Christ’s Spirit sent to us to indwell, live in us. John 14:20

4. He is the enabling/empowering Spirit. He empowers & enables us to live differently – a new life. Acts 1:8 > receive power… be my witnesses to all peoples, all over the world.

John 14:16-18 Jesus promised to send the ‘Helper’

5. He is the transforming Spirit! He brings the Holy Presence of Jesus Christ into our lives -The One who is Morally & righteously pure & perfect. He imputes and implants the righteousness of Christ into our hearts and minds – and begins to transform us!

Romans 12:1-2

The Spirit is the jealous Spirit – wants us only for Christ!
(James 4:5)

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Message: “The Easter Effect” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” The Easter Effect
Acts 2:22-41
God’s plan was for Messiah to die for our sins, be raised from the dead. (verses 31-32) and so God provided a way for us to be forgiven of our sins, and live in connection to Him thru the indwelling Spirit.

Main point:
Even during this pandemic, we can still live in peaceful, purposeful connection with the risen Jesus Christ every day.

Verse 34 David speaks of the Messiah “The LORD (YHWH) said to my Lord (awdone = lord, master, sovereign) …”

1. I live in connection with Jesus Christ because His Spirit lives in me bringing me forgiveness of my sins. (verse 38)

Verses 25-28 = Psalm 16:8-11 Messiah is speaking of His death & resurrection.

Acts 4:12 What about you – have you received Christ by His indwelling Spirit??

2. I am at peace because the indwelling Spirit of Christ brings His life and His peace to me. John 14:15-20; 25-27

3. I live with purpose because the indwelling Spirit of Christ gives me purpose – to glorify Jesus Christ and represent Him.

II Corinthians 5:20

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