
Message: “Life is Sacred” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” Life is Sacred!
Psalm 139:1-18
1. We affirm that every life is sacred – born, and unborn, because God has that life. (Verses 13 & 16)

Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you born I set you apart…”

Because we are all created in the of God (Genesis 1:27), every one of us has incredible worth, beauty and dignity.

*God’s law, Exodus 21:22, declares value to the un-born, and condemns injury to them! Abortion is wrong!

2. We stand for _______ and are winning this battle one heart at a time! Proverbs 24:11

Seven steps we can take if we really want to be pro-life.
1. It is time we fast and pray for America.
2. We need to speak out in the name of Jesus Christ.
3. We need to reach out with a message of love to the women who have had abortions.
4. We need to take our pro-life convictions into the voting booth.
5. We need to support those who are on the right side of this issue.
6. We need to get down to the root of the problem.
7. We must do whatever we can to protect our children

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Message: “The Ancient Prophecy of Christmas” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Acts of the Apostles.” The Ancient Prophecy of Christmas
Luke 1:26-38

Main Point:
Gabriel prophecies that the Coming Child shall be called Jesus (Ye’Shua) the Great Son of Most High God, and shall be the Davidic King whose kingdom will never end.

Isaiah 9:6-7

1. The angel declares that the Holy Spirit conceived Son is to
be named Jesus (‘Ye’shua’) = Yahweh (The Lord) Saves). v. 31

Christmas is all about celebrating the birth of Jesus our Savior! John 3:16-18 Why did Jesus pay the price? Psalm 49:7-8

2. His coming also fulfills the ancient prophecy from Isaiah that the Holy Spirit conceived Son will be Immanuel = God with us!

Isaiah 7:14

3. We receive forgiveness and new life by receiving Messiah Jesus – we trust in what He has done for us, and we invite Him into our lives. (It’s a relationship!)

The Truth about Christmas- “Our Lord left the glory of heaven and came here in human flesh, not to adjust our personalities or to help us reach our human potential or even to provide for our social betterment, but because we are morally depraved and hopelessly lost.”

John 1:12-13 Have you received God’s Christmas gift?!

Message: “The Ancient Prophecy of Christmas” from Tom Leonard Read More »

Message: “When God Says ‘Shut Up!'” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” When God Says ‘Shut Up”!
Luke 1:5-25
God’s people thought they knew how God was going to bring the Messiah about:

His Son, John is the of the Messiah, spoken of from Malachi 4:5-6. He was the Elijah who was to come to prepare the way for the Messiah – all this signaled the coming of the Messiah!

Though they had been waiting for this, Zechariah is having a hard time believing this – doubts, and therefore the angel says ________! Leaves him speechless!

How many times has God been trying to speak to us – and we respond in doubt, disbelief? We start telling God how we can’t do it, how He can’t accomplish it in us – Or have we responded like Mary? – (1:38)

1. What has God been saying to you? Or what do you think God has been trying to say to you?

2. How have you responded? Has it been with faith (Yes, Lord!) or has it been with doubt/unbelief?

Take away:
Let us respond in faith to what God is saying to us! Let us say, ‘Yes Lord, May your word to me be fulfilled!’

Remind us-
Our vision: REACH, GROW, SEND – Reach people with the gospel of Jesus Christ, Grow them into community so that they can use their gifts, Send them into their community and world to reach others… Go into all the world preach the Gospel, make disciples (Mt 28:18-19) Why? God’s heart – Core value for us – Lost people matter to God, and He wants them found.

Message: “When God Says ‘Shut Up!'” from Tom Leonard Read More »

Message: “The Rejected Stone” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” The Rejected Stone
Psalm 118:16-29
Main Point:
Let us live in to God who has given us life, and salvation: His rejected ‘Stone’ has become the cornerstone!

We need to have an attitude of gratitude – turn away from criticalness, negativity – when we fathom what God has done ‘it is marvelous in our eyes.’ And we should rejoice! (Verse 23)

1. ! Jesus referred to Himself as the Stone rejected by the builders (the Jewish leaders).

Mark 12:10-11

2. ! Although rejected by most of the leaders, He became the Cornerstone of a new ‘building’ – the church!

Acts 4:11-12

3. ! We are living stones being built into a ‘spiritual house’ – offering spiritual sacrifices to God thru Jesus Christ!

I Peter 2:4-6

Let us rejoice in the Lord who is remaking us!

Message: “The Rejected Stone” from Tom Leonard Read More »

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