
Message: “Do We Fear the LORD?” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Acts of the Apostles.” Do We Fear God?
Acts 3:1-16

Proverbs 9:10 “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”

Main Point: If we will know and fear God then we will have understanding and wisdom in all of life!

‘Fear’ (phobos) = afraid, terror, dread – comes from the fact that He has the power to judge/discipline us. ‘Sovereign respect for God…makes us dread, above all things, to offend Him.’ Jesus… (Matthew 10:28)

1. Ananias & Sapphira conspired to test the LORD and to deceive the apostles to look generous/spiritual. verses 1-4

*They were not fearing God – the consequences from Him…

Hebrews 12:4-7

2. There were severe consequences for their conspiring & deception. verses 5-10

Psalm 119:137 “You are righteous LORD and your judgments are right.”

3. Great Fear of the LORD came upon all the believers. verse 11

*We must have proper respect and reverence for the LORD! Let us examine ourselves lest we come under judgment! I Cor 11:28

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Message: “Life in the Spirit” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Acts of the Apostles.” Life in the Spirit
Acts 4:32-37
Main Point:
Let us long for the Spirit to work the ________________
through us in these ways:

1. The Spirit makes us ______ in heart & mind. verse 32

I Corinthians 12:12-13

2. The Spirit empowers us to to the reality of the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus! verse 33

I Peter 3:15 “Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it.

3. The Spirit enabled them to what they owned so that none were needy among them! verses 34-35

James 2:15-16

I John 3:17-18

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Message: “Prayer that Prevails” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Acts of the Apostles.” Prayer that Prevails
Acts 4:23-31
Main Point:
We want to pray in a way that is effective, impacting-

1. Prayer that declares to our Sovereign Lord!
verse 24

Let your praying begin with declarations of praise!

2. Prayer that prays . verses 25-26

Pray the Scriptures – prophecies and promises!

3. Prayer that prays for ! verse 29

4. Prayer that prays for ! verse 30

Pray with Boldness, and to have the power of the Holy
Spirit to be a bold witness, and for God to work powerfully!

Message: “Prayer that Prevails” from Tom Leonard Read More »

Message: “Believing without Seeing” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” Believing without Seeing
John 20:19-31

Main Point: Jesus, the Christ, has overcome death for us: We must believe & embrace Him – we receive forgiveness of our sins and new life in Him.

1. What proof/evidence is there that He rose from the dead?

a. An empty tomb: verses 1-9

*Fake News – Matthew 28:12-15

b. Numerous eyewitnesses: verses 14-20

I Corinthians 15:3-6 Apostle Paul – 500 witnesses – many of whom were killed for their testimony

c. A convinced Skeptic: verses 24-29 Thomas –
Jesus accommodates him – He will prove himself to you!

2. There are those here today who have encountered the living, resurrected Christ whose lives have been transformed!

3. If Jesus is who He claimed to be – the ‘Risen Christ, the Son of God’,’ what must response be?

*We must receive Him into our lives as the living Christ, and live our lives for Him as our Lord, our Master. .

Romans 10:9-10

Message: “Believing without Seeing” from Tom Leonard Read More »

Message: “Who is This?!” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” Who is This?!
Matthew 21:1-11
Main Point:
Do we have in mind His agenda or ?

1. The people praised Jesus when He came riding into Jerusalem as the ‘ ’, expecting that He would accomplish their agenda. verse 9

*Hosanna (Hebrew – ‘Hosha’na’) = ‘Save!’ – an exclamation of praise, but it had taken on a .

2. Jesus fulfilled the from Zechariah regarding the coming King in the line of David. verses 4-5

Zechariah 9:9
>Donkey – humble, but also used of kings (David II Sam 13:29)

Spreading the branches (verse 7) = an act of royal homage

3. Crowds believed Jesus was the ‘_______’ – they were right and wrong! verse 11

Deuteronomy 18:15 – but Jesus calls Himself ‘ ’ – v. 2

(Deuteronomy 34:10-12 > Hebrews 3:1-6 Jesus, the Son, worthy of greater honor than Moses)

*Luke 19:43-44 – “the time of God’s coming to you!” Let us never try to put Him in a box or manip. Him to do our bidding!

Message: “Who is This?!” from Tom Leonard Read More »

Message: “No Other Name” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Acts of the Apostles.” No Other Name!
Acts 4:1-22
Main Point:
We can give bold of Jesus despite persecution through the power of the indwelling Spirit!

2000 more men added to the Kingdom! Verse 4

1. The Persecution: and Jailed! vvs. 3 -7

*They were persecuted, we will be persecuted for our faith. Settle it!

II Timothy 3:12 “In fact, everyone who wants to live a Godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.”

John 15:18

2. The Proclamation: No other Name but ! vs 10-12

Peter > Psalm 118:22 > Mt. 21:42 Jesus is the Cornerstone

3. The imPact: Threatened & commanded to _____! v.18

*Let your word & witness go forth! Luke 12:11-12

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Message: “Heirs of the Covenant” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Acts of the Apostles.” Heirs of the Covenant
Acts 3:17-26

Main Point:
Through faith in Messiah Jesus, we become heirs of God’s covenant to Abraham and are blessed to be a blessing!

*Key verse – verse 25 ‘Heirs of the Prophets & Covenant’

1. Repent, turn to God, & put your faith in Messiah Jesus. Verse 19

The Jews, in the main, had disowned the Holy & Righteous One, Jesus; killed the Author of life. vvs.13-14

-But God raised Him from the dead. The Apostles are witnesses of this! v. 15

2. Jesus is the fulfillment of the Covenant to Abraham verses 24-26

He is the ‘Offspring’ of Abraham Gen 22:18

3. In this Covenant we are blessed to be a blessing! v. 26

We Gentiles are included – (Romans 11:13-18)

Why? God loves the world – people! That’s why He sends us to them! We are blessed to be a blessing to them!

Message: “Heirs of the Covenant” from Tom Leonard Read More »

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