Message: “Intro to Acts: Jesus Ascends” from Tom Leonard
A message from the series “Acts of the Apostles.” Intro to Acts: Jesus Ascends
Acts 1:1-11
Main Point: Because Jesus ascended we can live in the power of the Promised Spirit and witness to His resurrection!
1. Jesus’ ascension marked the completion and acceptance by God of Jesus’ work of redemption. John 4:34; 6:38
> Hebrews 1:3b ‘After He provided purification for sins, He sent down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.’
*Jesus’ finished work has brought us forgiveness and redemption. > Romans 3:24-25
>This is why Luke records Peter’s words in Acts 4:12…
2. The ascension inaugurated the giving of the promised Spirit. verse 4. Jesus taught John 14:16-20; 16:7
> *So important Jesus tells them to wait for the Spirit.
What does the Spirit do? Let’s look at scriptures of the promise – Ezekiel 36:24-27; Jeremiah 31:33
*This is the transforming of our minds and hearts we need for holy living and empowered witness!
3. Jesus ascension marked the return of the Lord Jesus to the Father – to the Glory He had before with the Father.
*Glory = full of honor, praise, worship
John 14:28; 16:5; 17:4-5
*We are to look forward to His return, but be focused on the
mission He’s given us!
Message: “Intro to Acts: Jesus Ascends” from Tom Leonard Read More »