
Message: “Set Your Mind on the Spirit!” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Romans.” Set Your Mind on the Spirit!
Romans 8:1-14
As Paul > 1:1,16 We have to live out the Gospel so that people see it, hear it, and believe it!

Big question: Are you in union with Christ Jesus? v.9 receive Him today!

Main Point:
We must set our minds on the Spirit’s to effectively live in true life and peace! Acts 1:8 Be His witness!

We can, because there is no condemnation for us; Christ’s Spirit lives in us!

1. No Condemnation: God fulfilled the requirements of the Law by His Son Jesus Christ. verses 1-4

Condemnation = a damning sentence

2. We can now live in the control/enabling of the indwelling Spirit, rather than the ‘flesh’ and have true life & peace. vss. 5-10 (flesh = lower, sensual nature apart from God)

V.9 – ‘mind ‘governed’ by the Spirit – lit. ‘purposed’

*The Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is living in us
and gives life to us, even our mortal bodies! (verses 10-11)

Live by the Spirit! Set your mind on what the Spirit desires! v

Message: “Set Your Mind on the Spirit!” from Tom Leonard Read More »

Message: “Grace Justifies Us!” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Romans.” Grace Justifies Us!
Romans 3:21-26
Main Point:
Grace is given us freely through faith in Jesus Christ: It____ us and makes us before God from beginning to end!

1. What is Grace? It is the ___________________ of God towards us.

G – God’s
R – riches
A – at
C – Christ’s
E – Expense

II Corinthians 8:9

2. This Grace is received by in Jesus Christ. v. 25
Faith = (divine persuasion)

Ephesians 2:8-9

Faith is the trusting, believing response to God’s act in Jesus
3. This Grace justifies us before God! verse 24

Justify = .

Romans 4:1-3 > Genesis 15:6
*We not only begin our relationship with God through the Grace of Jesus Christ but we are maintained by Grace!

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Message: “Live By The Spirit” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Galatians.” Live by the Spirit
Galatians 5:16-26
Main Point:
If you walk each day in the ________ of the Spirit then you will not live out of your flesh (sinful nature), but we must _________________________ with the Spirit. (verse 25)

Flesh (v.19 ‘sinful nature’) = . This is what comes out of our flesh vss.19-21!
*Jesus > Mark 7:20-23

James 1:13-15 – my evil desires (flesh) give birth to sin = death (separation from the life of God).
Many sins become .

The fruit of the Spirit in us will be – verses 22-23 (notice last is self control > for emphasis & connection)

How do I live each day in the leading of the Spirit?
1. Ask the Spirit within me to and lead
me throughout this day: verse 16 & Ephesians 5:18

2. Ask for fresh ! I John 1:9

3. each day: Galatians 2:20

*Listen for His voice/leading throughout the day & follow!

It’s hard/battle – we’ve got to be on the offensive!

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Message: “Emblems of the New Covenant” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Acts of the Apostles.” Emblems of the New Covenant
Luke 22:14-20
Why do we have communion? It is to commemorate – for us to remember our Lord’s Passion.

Main Point:
Let us remember the bread and the cup as the emblems of the new covenant – His Body and Blood given for our salvation

Background – Context was Passover meal – verse 14

1. Emblems of the New Covenant
As the blood of the lamb and unleavened bread were the emblems of Passover, now the Bread and wine which represent the Body & Blood of Christ, are the emblems of the New Covenant – God’s rescue and deliverance of His people from slavery to sin, destruction (death). I Corinthians 5:7

2. We participate in Christ.
As we partake of communion – we remember, give thanks, re-commit; and also celebrate our union/participation with Christ

I Peter 1:18-19

3. We proclaim His death and resurrection!

I Corinthians 11 We proclaim corporately in this act of communion Christ Crucified, and we go forth from here to a watching world.

Message: “Emblems of the New Covenant” from Tom Leonard Read More »

Message: “A House of Prayer and Praise” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” A House of Prayer & Praise
Matthew 21:12-17
Main Point:
Jesus desires that we be vessels of & !

Are you a Jesus follower? It begins with humbling yourself, inviting Jesus into your life & committing your life to Him!

1. God desires that we be vessels of prayer – _________ ____________________________________with Him!
(prayer = speaking forth to God) pouring out our hearts, and requests… (shouldn’t be only requests)

Philippians 4:6-7

2. Children praised Jesus because they have an ___________ ____________________________ They saw Him healing the blind and the lame and praised Him – ‘Hosanna to the Son of David’ (the Messiah)

Matthew 18:1-6 not just any child, but a ‘little one who believes in me.’

v.15 ‘When the chief priests and teachers of the law saw the wonderful works He did and the children shouting… Hosanna… they were indignant…’ v.16 ‘Do you hear what these children are saying?’

Matthew 11:25-26

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Message: “Got Fruit?” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” Got Fruit?
John 15:1-17

Main Point:
Jesus is looking for lasting fruit in us: A transformed life of love, obedience, and reaching out to others.

*v.16 He chose us we did not choose Him – to bear lasting fruit! He loves and impacts people through us.

Jeremiah 2:21

We will bear lasting fruit as we:
1. Remain (abide) in Christ and keep His Word remaining in us = stay connected to the true source of our life (verses 5,7,9)

To ‘remain’ means to fully live in (as in a house).

v.5b apart from me you can do nothing!

His Word remains in us as we meditate on it and hide it in our hearts. (Psalm 119 verse 11, verse 97)

Colossians 3:16

2. We obey His commands, the greatest of which is to love one another! (verses 9-17)

v.12 Love one another as I have loved you! (others are drawn by the love we have for one another!) > I John 4:7-8

Ephesians 2:10

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