Message: “Jesus is Looking For Fruit” from Tom Leonard
A message from the series “Acts of the Apostles.” Jesus is Looking For Fruit
John 15:1-17
Main Point:
Jesus is looking for lasting fruit in us: love, obedience, and reaching out to others.
*v.16 He chose us we did not choose Him – to bear lasting fruit! He loves and impacts people through us.
Jeremiah 2:21
We will bear lasting fruit as we:
1. Remain(abide) in Christ and keep His Word remaining in us = stay connected to the true source of our life
(verses 5,7,9)
To ‘remain’ means to fully live in (as a house)
v.5b apart from me you can do nothing!
His Word remains in us as we meditate on it and hide it in our hearts.
(Psalm 119 verse 11, verse 97)
Colossians 3:16
2. We obey His commands, the greatest of which is to love one another!
(verses 9-17)
v.12 Love one another as I have loved you! (others are drawn by the love we have for one another!) > I John 4:7-8
Ephesians 2:10
Message: “Jesus is Looking For Fruit” from Tom Leonard Read More »