Message: “Are You Drifting?” from Tom Leonard
A message from the series “The Book of Hebrews.” Are You Drifting!
Hebrews 2:1-4
Main Point:
We must guard against drifting in our relationship and devotion with Jesus, lest we find ourselves ignoring our Great salvation.
‘Drifting’ (pararheuo) = going along with the flow! (as in the current of a river – we never drift upstream!)
1. The safeguard to drifting is to ‘pay more careful attention’ (Give attention to, be attentative, take heed, to apply oneself – as in bringing a ship to dock or land.)
*Hebrews 12:2 – Fix your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith!
2. Drifting is allowing other things to take the place of our devotion and discipleship. It happens slowly and imperceptively.
*It moves from drifting to ‘ignoring’ such a great salvation v.1
It starts with allowing our focus on Christ to shift. We become spiritually lazy; we excuse, justify and deceive ourselves.
3. The danger is that our heart becomes hard toward God; and no longer hear His Spirit calling us to return!
v.2 consequences – punishment/discipline (chp 12) Rev. 3:19
Message: “Are You Drifting?” from Tom Leonard Read More »