
Message: “Are You Remembering Jesus?” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” Are You Remembering Jesus?
Matthew 26:26-29

Main Point:
Jesus calls us to remember His sacrifice for us so that we remember how are sins , and our that we will love and serve Him continually!

1. His Body was for us. verse 26

I Peter 2:24 ‘He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by His wounds you have been healed.’

2. His Blood was for the forgiveness of our sins.
verse 28

Hebrews 9:11-14

Message: “Are You Remembering Jesus?” from Tom Leonard Read More »

Message: “What is God’s Plan – Part IX” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “God’s Plan.” What is God’s Plan?
Acts 1:6-11

Main Point:
God desires to save every person on earth through the seed of Abraham (Genesis 12), from sin and death (Exodus 19-24); into an everlasting kingdom (I Samuel 7:8-16); though the blood of His Son, Messiah Jesus, the King of the whole earth (Luke 22:17-30).

1. Creation Genesis 1:1; 1:26-28
a. Special Creation – Humans created in the image of God.
b. Given Dominion – Rule over everything.
c. Declared Very Good! Everything created was good.

2. The Fall Genesis 3
a. Deceived by the Serpent verses 1-5
b. Intentional Disobedience verse 6
c. Alienation verses 7-10
d. Consequences: Curses verses 11-24

3. Redemption: The Formation of a Special People (Genesis 12-50)
A. Abrahamic Covenant Genesis 12:1-3
B. Exodus 19:3-6 The Sinai or Mosaic Covenant
C. Through the Blood of the Messiah: The New Covenant (Luke 22:14-20)

4. The Return of the King! Acts 1:6-11

We are to be about the King’s Business! verse 8

Hebrews 9:28
Mark 13:22-33
Revelation 22:12-13

Message: “What is God’s Plan – Part IX” from Tom Leonard Read More »

Message: “Do You Have Abundant Life?” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” Do You Have Abundant Life?
John 10:7-10
Main Point
Jesus is the gate to full, abundant life! Do you have it?! Are you living it?!

Full/Abundant = ____________________________________

v.7 ‘I am the _______’

*Thieves and robbers – many promised much – none delivered

verse 9a will be saved (sodzo) = ______________________

1. Through Jesus we have .
Verse 9b

John 10:14-16 His sheep know His voice, and know Him, and He lays down his life for His sheep > there will be one flock and one Shepherd!

2. Through Jesus we find ___________________________.
Verse 9c

II Peter 1:3

II Corinthians 9:8

Philippians 4:19

Message: “Do You Have Abundant Life?” from Tom Leonard Read More »

Message: “What is God’s Plan – Part VIII” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “God’s Plan.” What is God’s Plan?
Matthew 21:1-11
Main Point:
God desires to save every person on earth through the seed of (Genesis 12), from sin and death (Exodus 19-24); into an everlasting kingdom (II Samuel 7:8-16); though the blood of His Son, Messiah Jesus, the of the whole earth (Luke 22:17-30).

1. Genesis 1:1; 1:26-28

2. The Genesis 3

3. : The Formation of a ________________
(Genesis 12-50)
A. Covenant Genesis 12:1-3

B. Exodus 19:3-6 __________________________________

C. Kingdom of _____________________

D. Nation > (I Peter 2:9-12)
*Requirement to enjoy God’s blessings: !

E. An Kingdom. II Samuel 7:8-17

F. The King. Luke 19:35-40
Matthew 21:1-11

G. Through the of the Messiah Luke 22:14-20
Jeremiah 31:31-33, Matthew 26:27-28

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Message: “What is God’s Plan – Part VII” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “God’s Plan.” What is God’s Plan?
I Peter 2:9-12
Main Point:
God desires to save every person on earth through the seed of (Genesis 12), from sin and death (Exodus 19-24); into an everlasting kingdom (I Samuel 7:8-16); though the blood of His Son, Messiah Jesus, the of the whole earth (Luke 22:16-30).

1. Genesis 1:1; 1:26-28

2. The Genesis 3

3. Genesis 6:5-6

4. : The Formation of a ________________
(Genesis 12-50)

Exodus 19:3-6 ____________________________________

* v.6 > represent God to people on earth II Corinthians 5:20

* v.6 people that are in the image of God!

* ? V.6 Obey my voice and keep my covenant

How do they ? V.8

How are we to respond? I Peter 2:9-12

Message: “What is God’s Plan – Part VII” from Tom Leonard Read More »

Message: “What is God’s Plan – Part VI” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “God’s Plan.” What is God’s Plan? Part VI

I Peter 2:9-12

Main Point:
God desires to save every person on earth through the seed of (Genesis 12), from sin and death (Exodus 19-24); into an everlasting kingdom (I Samuel 7:8-16); though the blood of His Son, Messiah Jesus, the of the whole earth (Luke 22:16-30).

1. Genesis 1:1; 1:26-28

2. The Genesis 3

3. Genesis 6:5-6

4. : The Formation of a ________________
(Genesis 12-50)

Exodus 19:3-6 ____________________________________

* v.6 > represent God to people on earth II Corinthians 5:20

* v.6 people that are in the image of God!

* ? V.6 Obey my voice and keep my covenant

How do they ? V.8

How are we to respond? I Peter 2:9-12

Message: “What is God’s Plan – Part VI” from Tom Leonard Read More »

Message: “What is God’s Plan – Part V” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “God’s Plan.” What is God’s Plan?
Genesis 12:1-3

Main Point:
God desires to save every person on earth through the seed of Abraham (Genesis 12), from sin and death (Exodus 19-24); into an everlasting kingdom (I Samuel 7:8-16); though the blood of His Son, Messiah Jesus, the King of the whole earth (Luke 22:17-30).

1. Creation Genesis 1:1; 1:26-28
a. Special Creation – Humans created in the image of God.
b. Given Dominion – Rule over everything.
c. Declared Very Good! Everything created was good.

2. The Fall Genesis 3
a. Deceived by the Serpent verses 1-5
b. Intentional Disobedience verse 6
c. Alienation verses 7-10
d. Consequences: Curses verses 11-24

3. The Extent of Sin Genesis 6:5-6

4. Redemption: The Formation of a Special People (Genesis 12-50)

Exodus 19:3-6 The Sinai or Mosaic Covenant

* Ambassador v.6 > represent God to people on earth – II Corinthians 5:20
* __________ v.6 people that are in the image of God!
* __________? V.6 Obey my voice and keep my covenant

How do they respond ? V.8

How are we to respond? I Peter 2:9-10

Message: “What is God’s Plan – Part V” from Tom Leonard Read More »

Message: “What is God’s Plan – Part IV” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “God’s Plan.” What is God’s Plan?
Genesis 12:1-3

Main Point:
God desires to save every person on earth through the seed of Abraham (Genesis 12), from sin and death (Exodus 19-24); into an everlasting kingdom (I Samuel 7:8-16); though the blood of His Son, Messiah Jesus, the King of the whole earth (Luke 22:17-30).

1. Creation Genesis 1:1; 1:26-28
a. Special Creation – Humans created in the image of God.
b. Given Dominion – Rule over everything.
c. Declared Very Good! Everything created was good.

2. The Fall Genesis 3
a. Deceived by the Serpent verses 1-5
b. Intentional Disobedience verse 6
c. Alienation verses 7-10
d. Consequences: Curses verses 11-24

3. The Extent of Sin Genesis 6:5-6

4. The Formation of a Special People Genesis 12-5

Message: “What is God’s Plan – Part IV” from Tom Leonard Read More »

Message: “What is God’s Plan – Part III” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “God’s Plan.” What is God’s Plan?
Genesis 12:1-3
Main Point:
God desires to save every person on earth through the seed of (Genesis 12), from sin and death (Exodus 19-24); into an everlasting kingdom (I Samuel 7:8-16); though the blood of His Son, Messiah Jesus, the of the whole earth (Luke 22:17-30).

1. ________________ Genesis 1:1; 1:26-28

a. Special Creation – Humans created in the image of God.

b. Given Dominion – Rule over everything.

c. Declared Very Good! Everything created was good.

2. The _____________ Genesis 3

a. Deceived by the Serpent verses 1-5

b. Intentional Disobedience verse 6

c. Alienation verses 7-10

d. Consequences: Curses verses 11-24

3. The ________________________ Genesis 6:5-6

4. The Formation of a _________________ Genesis 12-50

Message: “What is God’s Plan – Part III” from Tom Leonard Read More »

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