
Message: “Lord Over Death!” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Luke.” Lord Over Death!
Luke 7:11-17

Main Point:
Let us praise God and be filled with awe that Messiah Jesus is Lord even over death!

Acts 3:13-16

‘Death’ = end of earthly life – described as returning to the dust (Gen. 3:19), or like the falling and shattering of a lamp, or breaking of a water pitcher (Ecclesiastes 12:6).

1.Jesus has compassion on the widow’s dead son and raises him back to life with a command! (verses 11-15)

1 Corinthians 5:15:51-53

2.Messiah Jesus is Lord even over death, and has come to help His people!
(verse 16)

Hebrews 2:14-15

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Message: “Chosen to Bear Fruit!” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” Chosen to Bear Fruit!
John 15:1-17

Main Point: Messiah Jesus has chosen us to bear lasting fruit, which is a transformed life of love, obedience and reaching out – He loves and impacts people through us.

Jeremiah 2:21

v.16 He chose us, we did not choose Him!

1. Remain (abide) in Christ and keep His Word remaining in us = stay connected to the true source of our life.
(verses 4-5,7,9)

v.5b Apart from me you can do nothing!

Colossians 3:16

2.We obey His commands, the greatest of which is to love one another!

(verses 9-17)

v.12 Love one another as I have loved you!

He changes us so that we ask the Father to bear fruit in us!

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Message: “Let Us Grow on to Maturity!” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” Let Us Grow on to Maturity!
Hebrews 5:11-6:3

Main Point:
Messiah Jesus calls us to grow mature in our faith, therefore, we must hunger for the meat of God’s Word; by its constant use we will mature and be trained to distinguish good from evil.

Are you hungering for God’s Word?

I Peter 2:1-3
It’s Time to move to solid food!

1.We must make a commitment to move forward from elementary teachings, eat the solid food of God’s Word, building a foundation for maturity. (verses 5:13-6:1)

*Like anything, without commitment it will fall by the wayside!

‘Leave’ and ‘go on’ (commitment) = make it a priority, do it!

James 1:22-24

We need to develop an understanding of the ‘basics’ and then grow on to maturity!

2. We will mature in our faith by depending on God and practicing His Word which trains us (develops a pattern) and grows us.
(verses 5:14; 6:3)

Psalm 119:9-12
Psalm 119:97-104

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Message: “Confident of God’s Help” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” Confident of God’s Help
Hebrews 4:14-16

Main Point:
Messiah Jesus, the Son of God, is our great High Priest – He will strengthen us so we can hold firmly to our faith not only when we are doing well, but especially when we are struggling and
in need.

‘High Priest’ (v.14) = Mediator between God and people (go between).

1.Jesus is able to sympathize with our weakness because He was tempted in every way, just as we are, but was without sin.

Matthew 4:1-11 *His Temptation

Mark 3:20-21 *Family Feud

Luke 22:39-44 *Stress that caused bleeding -Hematidrosis.

2.When we are struggling or have failed, He is there to give us mercy & grace, not condemnation – let us receive it confidently! (v.16)

II Timothy 2:11-13

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Message: “Am I Under Authority?” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Luke.” Am I Under Authority?
Luke 7:1-10

Main Point:
Jesus is amazed when we have a right account of ourselves, understand and have faith in His authority as Messiah.

1.The elders of the Jews had it wrong when they thought that this centurion ‘deserved’ Jesus’ healing for his servant.

Romans 7:18

The Centurion understood correctly that he did not even deserve to have Jesus come to him. (verses 6 & 7)

*This centurion put himself under Messiah Jesus’ authority – submitted!

II Corinthians 1:20

2.Jesus was amazed that this centurion (non-Jew) not only understood but was also exercising (trusting) His authority.
(verse 7)

Luke 10:18-20

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Message: “Building My Life on the Rock” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Luke.” Building My Life on the Rock
Luke 6:46-49

Main Point:
If we are wise then we will build our lives on the Rock – Messiah Jesus by putting His words into practice!

*‘Believing’ (intellectual assent) or ‘mouthing’ empty words is not practice!
(verse 46)
Matthew 7:21-23

We must do the will of Father God!

Are you Walking the Walk or just talking the talk?

1. If we put Jesus’ words into practice in our lives then we will be wise, have eternal life, and stand strong in the floods of life.
(verses 47-48)

Psalm 111:10

2. If we do not put Messiah Jesus’ words into practice in our lives, then we will have defeat and destruction.

(verse 49)

The greatest storm in my life will be the final judgment of God!

Revelation 20:11-15

Message: “Building My Life on the Rock” from Tom Leonard Read More »

Message: “Fruit Inspection!” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Luke.” Fruit Inspection!

Luke 6:43-45

Main Point :
Messiah Jesus teaches us that if we are true followers of His then we will bear good fruit in our lives – we must examine our fruit which is the true evidence of our hearts.

Matthew 7:15-20

Fruit represents our words, actions, attitudes
– our heart!

Recognize (ginosko) = to know, perceive, have knowledge of

1. We are to understand that only a good heart (true follower of Christ) will bring forth good fruit, for a ‘corrupt’ tree cannot.

(verse 43)

Ephesians 5:8-10

2.We are to examine our lives – to see what kind of fruit we are bearing which reveals whether our hearts are corrupt or good (good in nature, by purity of heart)
(verse 44)
II Corinthians 13:5

3. We must desire to have good hearts by abiding in Christ for only then will the overflow be good fruit.

Abide = stay connected to by faith and obedience!

John 15:1-5

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Message: “The Plank In My Eye” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Luke.” The Plank in My Eye
Luke 6:39-42

Main Point:
Messiah Jesus counsels us to first remove the plank in our own eye (my glaring failure), before seeking to remove the speck (minor fault), in my brother’s or sister’s eye!

Verse 39 We should not seek to lead someone else, until we clearly see our own way (have a right account of ourselves).

Verse 40 We should take the stance of a student/learner of Jesus, with humility, not above Him – always trying to correct others – then we will have the right heart and attitude.

1. Focus on your own failures and seek Jesus to transform you! (verses 41-42)

Verse 42 When you focus on other’s faults you can’t even see your own failures!

Psalm 51:9-13

2. If you see a fault in your brother or sister, check yourself to be sure you are correcting them for their good, not your pride, and in love! (verse 42)

Ephesians 4:29

Ephesians 4:15 We are to speak the truth in love to each other!

Message: “The Plank In My Eye” from Tom Leonard Read More »

Message: “Unrighteous Judging” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Luke.” Unrighteous Judging!
Luke 6:37-38

Main Point: Messiah Jesus teaches us that we are not to make unrighteous judgments or to condemn but rather forgive and give grace.

Judge (krino) = distinguish, decide, (by implication – condemn).

* We are called to evaluate fruit! (verses 43-45)

Matthew 7:1-2

Unrighteous Judgment is judging the value/worth of the person based on their actions/attitude.

1.We are not to make unrighteous judgments or condemn because only God is the One who can righteously judge.
(verse 37)

James 4:12

Romans 2:1-4 Since we are subject to sin, failures and mistakes, we have no right to judge another on the basis of theirs!

2. Rather, we are to ‘give’ to others forgiveness and grace as has been given to us.
(verses 37-38)

Matthew 5:7 Blessed are those who are merciful for they will be shown mercy.

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