
Message: “The One Who Calls Sinners to Repentance” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” The One Who Calls Sinners to Repentance!
Luke 5:27-32

Main Point:
Jesus, the Messiah, has not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance!

1. Jesus calls Levi (Matthew), a despised tax-collector, to follow Him and he immediately follows! (verses 27-28)

*Have you heard Jesus’ call and immediately followed Him?!

Matthew 4:19

2. The Pharisees criticize Jesus for hanging out with tax-collectors and sinners at Levi’s banquet (and not them!). (verses 29-30)

*He wants to spend time with the likes of you and me!

Matthew 11:28-30

3. Jesus answers that He has come for those who know they are ‘sick’ and ‘not righteous’ and call them to repentance. (verses 31-32)

Repentance = ‘a change of mind, prompted by a change of heart, resulting in a change of life.’ A turning from self and sin, and turning to God through faith in Jesus Christ.

Do you know that you are sick, and not righteous, and have you turned in faith to God for healing of your sin-sickness?

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Message: “The One Who Forgives Our Sins” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” The One Who Forgives Our Sins
Luke 5:17-26

Main Point:Jesus, the Messiah, has power to heal us, and authority to forgive our sins!

1.The paralyzed man’s friends had great faith & made great effort to obtain his healing. (verses 18-19)

The news had spread of Jesus the Healer.(verse 15)

Jesus declares the man’s sins are forgiven!(verse 20)

2.The Pharisees and teachers of the Law think to themselves that Jesus is a blasphemer, since only God can forgive sins. (verse 21)

3.Jesus confronts them and demonstrates that not only does He have the power to heal, but also authority to forgive.
(verses 22-25)

They are amazed!
(verse 26)

I John 1:8-10

We must receive forgiveness!

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Message: “The One Who Makes Us Clean!” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” The One Who Makes Us Clean
Luke 5:12-16

Main Point:
Jesus, the Messiah, is willing and able to make us clean from all of our sufferings with His touch!

1. Jesus does not reject the most unclean person, but embraces us with His touch.(verses 12-13)

Leprosy (Greek – Lepra) = Scaliness of the skin – a virus that affects the entire body (in the Middle East and Egypt).

*This man was unclean (Lev.13) and rejected by everyone.

~Sometimes we feel this way!

John 6:37 “… If anyone comes to me, I will not turn him/her away”

2. Jesus heals our afflictions and makes us clean and whole! (verses 13-14)

* Jesus heals the man with a touch!

*The Church is to confirm that people are clean, completely accepted by Jesus, and received into His community of followers – and testify to Jesus’ healing power!

Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Message: “The One Who Makes Us Clean!” from Tom Leonard Read More »

Message: “Called to Catch People!” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” Called to Catch People!
Luke 5:1-11

Main Point:When Jesus, the Messiah, reveals to us who He is, and we see our sinfulness, He can then change us so that catch people for Him!

1.Jesus reveals to Peter and the other fisherman that He is the Messiah, and Lord of the waters!
(verses 1-9)

*They had already heard His message – John 1:35-42

2.Peter understands his sinfulness in light of Jesus, Messiah, Holy One of God!
(verse 8)

1 John 1:8-10

3.Jesus then calls them to catch people!(verse 10b)

How do they respond? (verse 11) – they leave everything immediately and follow Him!

How have we responded?

Message: “Called to Catch People!” from Tom Leonard Read More »

Message: “Sent to Preach the Good News” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” Sent to Preach the Good News
Luke 4:38-44

Main Point:Jesus declares that He was sent primarily to preach the good news of the kingdom of God. We must repent and believe the good news!

*When you believe in Jesus and receive Him into your life, you are then in the kingdom of God, and it is within you.

‘Kingdom of God’ = the rule/reign of God through Christ.

Jesus is fulfilling His commission as the ‘Anointed One’ (Messiah)
(verses 18-19)

1.Jesus heals and delivers many, confirming that He is the Messiah.
(verses 39-41)

His message = Repent – the kingdom of God is here (in the person of the Messiah).
Mark 1:15

Luke 17:20-21

2.Jesus clarifies His mission: He is to preach the good news to others. (verse 42-44)

He sets a pattern for us His followers – we are to share the good news with all those around us!

II Corinthians 5:17-21

Message: “Sent to Preach the Good News” from Tom Leonard Read More »

Message: “Authority in Word and Works” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” Authority in Word and Works

How do we know that Jesus is the Messiah (Anointed One)?

Main Point: Jesus’ claim on us as the Messiah is confirmed by the authority and power in His words and works

You can’t be neutral about Jesus – either you embrace and follow Him or reject Him and be lost!

Jesus is fulfilling His commission as the ‘Anointed One’ (Messiah) (verses 18-19)

1. The authority in Messiah’s message demands our attention. (verses 18-19)

‘Authority’ (Greek – exousia) = delegated power/capacity.

Luke 20:2

*His message > ‘Repent, the Kingdom of God is here.’ (in the person of the Messiah)Mark 1:15

Verse 32 They were amazed/overwhelmed – shocked!

2. The unclean spirit was terrified of Jesus the Messiah, then tried to distract, derail, and discredit Him.(verses 33-35)

‘Destroy’ = do away with completely. I John 3:8

3. The power in Messiah’s work calls us to believe!(verses 36-37)

‘Power’ (Greek – dunamis) = inherent capability to do the miraculous.

‘Power’ (Greek – dunamis) = inherent capability to do the miraculous.

Jesus silences (muzzles!) the unclean spirit, then commands it out of the man.

They were again amazed – shocked at His command, but He calls us to embrace and follow Him as Messiah!

Psalm 77:13-20

John 6:26

Message: “Authority in Word and Works” from Tom Leonard Read More »

Message: “The Christ Suffered and Rose” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” The Christ Suffered and Rose
Luke 24:13-27

Main Point:
The risen Jesus Christ calls us to put our faith in Him as Messiah-Christ (Chosen One) of which Moses and the prophets had spoken.

1. The account: Jesus was crucified, dead and buried, but some of the women and disciples found the grave empty, and angels appeared to the women. verses 20-24

Eyewitness account of the risen Jesus – John 20:19-20

2. The prophecy: Jesus explains that Moses and all the prophets foretold His death and resurrection. verses 25-27

Deuteronomy 18:15&18
Isaiah 53:6-11

The Call: Jesus calls these two and each of us to put our faith in Him as the risen Messiah who died for our sins and rose from the dead for our salvation. verse 25

Jesus words to us recorded in
John 3:16-18, “16. For God so loved the world that He gave His One and Only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.”

“17. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. 18. Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the One and Only Son.”

*Have you put your Faith in Jesus the Risen Christ?!

Message: “The Christ Suffered and Rose” from Tom Leonard Read More »

Message: “Why & What of Baptism” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” Why & What of Baptism
Mark 16:14-16

Main Point:
Jesus commands us to tell everyone that we are His followers by being water baptized which symbolizes our repentance from unbelief and rising to live in new, resurrection life!

*Baptism proclaims my new life
in following Jesus to a watching world!

*Baptism does not save you
Titus 3:4-6

*It is not a means of Grace.
(Infant baptism)

1. The Call: Believe in Jesus and His ‘good news.’
(verses 15-16a)

John 3:16-18

2.The Command: Be baptized!
(verse 16b)

Acts 2:38 “Repent and be baptized, everyone of you, in the Name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins…”

Matthew 28:19 “Make disciples by going, baptizing, and teaching…”

Matthew 3:13-17 Jesus was baptized and gave us a pattern to follow.

*It is an essential part of our discipleship!

Message: “Why & What of Baptism” from Tom Leonard Read More »

Message: “The Rejected Healer – Part 3” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” The Rejected Healer
Luke 4:14-30 (Part 3)

Main Point:
Jesus, the Healer of our soul and body, was rejected by the people – the One whom they needed desperately. We must embrace Him and operate as He did!

1. Jesus operated in the power of the Holy Spirit and so can we! (verse 14)

Every Christ follower can be filled with – anointed with, and operate in the power of the Holy Spirit!

2. Jesus, the Messiah, was anointed to be the Healer of our soul and body. (verses 18-21)

Isaiah 61:1-2

Jesus chose this passage purposely – because He was fulfilling it!

What are the elements?
a. Preach good news to the poor – verse 18c (those literally and spiritually poor)
b. Proclaim freedom for the prisoners – verse 18d
c. Recovery of sight for the blind – verse 18e
d. Release the oppressed – verse 18f
e. Proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor – verse 19

II Corinthians 6:2

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Message: “The Rejected Healer – Part.2” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” The Rejected Healer
Luke 4:14-30

Main Point:
Jesus, the Messiah, the Healer of our soul and body, was rejected by the people – the One whom they needed desperately. We must embrace Him and operate as He did!

1. Jesus operated in the power of the Holy Spirit and so may we! (verse 14)

2. Jesus, the Messiah, was anointed to be the Healer of our soul and body. (verses 18-21)

Isaiah 61:1-2

What are the elements?

a. Preach good news to the poor – verse 18c (those literally and spiritually poor)
b. Proclaim freedom for the prisoners – verse 18d
c. Recovery of sight for the blind – verse 18e
d. Release the oppressed – verse 18f
e. Proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor – verse 19

Message: “The Rejected Healer – Part.2” from Tom Leonard Read More »

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