Message: “Washed and Reborn!” from Tom Leonard
A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” Washed and Reborn!
Titus 3:3-7
Main Point:
Once we were disobedient to God, but He saved us, not because of our righteousness, but because of His great love, kindness and mercy.
1. All of us were once lost. (foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved) verse 3
Foolish = not believing in God nor honoring Him.
Psalm 14:1 “The fool says in his heart, ‘there is no God.’ They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.â€
Ephesians 2:1-5
2. God saved us because of His great mercy through the kindness and love of our Savior Jesus Christ. verses 4-5
Ephesians 2:8-9
Saved = rescued from the penalty, power and presence of sin.
3. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal of the Holy Spirit whom we receive. verses 5-7
John 3:5-8
Ephesians 1:13
Baptism is an outward sign of this inward work!
Message: “Washed and Reborn!” from Tom Leonard Read More »