Rescued from the coming Wrath
Thessalonians 1:9-10
Main Point: When we repent and put our trust in the resurrected Son, Jesus Christ, we are rescued from God’s coming wrath.
‘Rescue’ = to draw towards oneself (as out of a swift current).
II Thessalonians 1:6-10
God’s Wrath = Divine just punishment for those guilty of transgressions. (Exodus 34:5-7)
1. The prophets spoke of the coming wrath as the ‘Day of the Lord’. Isaiah 13:6-13
Jesus Christ, the risen Son of God, was the lamb of God – the sin offering that turns away the Father’s wrath from us. ISAIAH 53:1-12
3. In faith and hope, we wait for Christ’s return which is our blessed Hope! (5:9) verse 10
II Peter 3:8-13