
Message: “Live by the Spirit!” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Acts of the Apostles.” Live by the Spirit!
Romans 8:1-14

Main Point:
As we live according to the Spirit we overcome sin, and have true life and peace.

He identifies what the flesh is – sin living in me 7:17 – v.25 my flesh is a slave to sin, but I am in the realm of the Spirit!

1. Got Spirit? If you have received Christ then His Spirit lives in you. You are in Christ, you’ve begun a relationship with Christ, and there is no condemnation for you!

Big question: Are you in union with Christ Jesus? (verse 9)

2. You’ve got the power! The same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead is at work in us, giving life to us!

Verse 11 “…He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies.”!

Same thing in Galatians 5:16

3. Live in surrender! Cooperate more and more. As we surrender and live by His leading every day then we live in life and peace rather than death and destruction.

Galatians 2:20

Take away: I am going to live by His indwelling Spirit! It is an every day, moment by moment walk.

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Message: “Watch & Pray!” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” Watch & Pray!
Luke 21:25-38
Main Point:
We are called to watch, be careful and pray as Christ’s return draws nearer, closer.

So many wait until it’s too late! (v.34) A snare line, a trap the enemy, Satan and his minions tries to get us to fall into this – be asleep in the light, lukewarm, apathetic…

1. – Christ’s return is imminent! Signs of the times are pointing to His soon return. (verses 29-31)

‘Kingdom of God is near’ – in its fullness, consummation.

There are more signs to come, but it can happen quickly.

It is certain. Heaven & earth will pass away but not Christ’s Word!

2. Be – Don’t be weighed down with carousing (pain in head = lightheaded, buzzed), drunkenness (drink), or the anxiety (cares that bring about anxiety) of life. (verse 34)

Many are caught up in this.

3. Be – Watch and pray that you and others will ready for His return. We are called to warn others! (verse 36)

-Escape all that is about to happen
-Stand before the Son of Man

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Message: “Reflecting the Lord’s Glory” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” Reflecting the Lord’s Glory
II Corinthians 3:7-18
Main Point:
When we turn to Jesus Christ, the and we reflect His glory to a watching world.

‘Glory’ (Doxa) = splendor, brightness, (of good opinion, positive = praise)

“We Reflect the Lord’s glory” = we can only reflect The Lord Jesus’ glory thru the indwelling Spirit of Christ = the life of Christ in me. ~Galatians 2:20

1. The Law which brought death & condemnation came with God’s glory but the ministry of the indwelling Spirit which brings is much more glorious!
(verses 7-11)
2. Moses wore a veil to the Israelites from seeing God’s glory (which was passing away – fading). (verse 13)
~Exodus 34:29-35

3. A veil remains on their still when reading the old covenant (which glory is passing away) (verse 14)

4. Only when we turn to the Lord Jesus Christ is the veil that dulls our minds . (verse 14)

5. We reflect the Lord’s glory with because it comes from the indwelling Spirit of the Lord. (verse 12)

*As we interact with people they should see the Lord’s glory…

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Message: “Jesus the Supreme One – Part 2” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” Jesus the Supreme One
Colossians 1:13-23
Main Point: Our lives must declare Jesus Christ as the Supre One and proclaim the hope that He alone holds for us!

1. He is the Supreme One because of Who He is:

A. The Image of the invisible God. v.15 (Hebrews 1:3)

B. Firstborn and Heir over all Creation. vv. 15-17
*(Firstborn – technical phrase = Heir). The Father has given Him all things. Philippians 2:9

C. The One through whom all things were created and are sustained. v. 17 John 1:1-2

D. Head of the Body – His Church. v. 18
>(His instrument of reconciliation) Ephesians 1:22-23

E. Incarnate Reconciler of all things. v. 19-20
(God’s ‘fullness’ dwelled in Christ in bodily form (2:9)
Philippians 2:9-10 & Hebrews 2:9-11

2. He is the Supreme One because of What He has done :
A. The of His Physical body unto death. v. 22

B. His sacrifice from the dead. vvs. 18 & 22

*Do you know Him, this One who has brought all things into existence & sustains all things by His powerful Word? Will you one day bow the knee before the King of kings & Lord of lords as one of His redeemed or one who has refused Him!??

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