
Message: “Rest & Word !” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “The Book of Hebrews.” Rest & Word !
Hebrews 4:1-13

Main Point:
When we enter God’s Sabbath rest through faith in Jesus, we cease from our own striving. God’s Word promises us this rest and His Word is alive with because He spoke it to us!

1. God has a for us that we can enter through faith in Jesus!
verses 1, 6, 9-11

*Let us enter that rest through Jesus the Supreme Son!

2. God’s Word promises it – it is alive with power because it has gone forth from His and will accomplish its purpose. (verse 12)
Isaiah 55:10-11

3. It is alive with power because it has been ____________ forth from His innermost being. (verses 12-13)
II Timothy 3:16

*It penetrates to our innermost being, judging our thoughts and motives.

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Message: “Hold Firmly” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “The Book of Hebrews.” Hold Firmly!
Hebrews 3:7-19

Main Point:
When we allow rebellion or unbelief to enter our hearts, we enter a . God will allow us to stay until we repent and return.

Numbers 13 & 14

1. We must guard our hearts against rebellion and unbelief,
so that we do not give in to the sin of from Jesus.
verse 12

2. We must guard our hearts, and each other so that we are not by sin. verse 13

*If we’re in the desert, the Spirit’s call to us is to our hearts – repent and return to the living God! (verse 7, 15)

3. We must hold firmly to the we have in Jesus! verse 14

I Peter 1:10-11

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Message: “Giving With the Right Heart” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” Giving With The Right Heart
Matthew 6:1-4

Proverbs 14:21 “It is a sin to despise one’s neighbor, but blessed is the one who is kind to the needy.”

Isaiah 58:7 “Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter…”

Main Point:
As His Disciples Jesus calls us to give to, and help those in need out of a heart of gratitude, and without desire for acclaim.

This flows out of the Greatest Commands that Jesus emphasized in Matthew 22:37-39

1. Jesus expects us to give to, and help those in need, as has always been the heart of God.

James 1:27

Ephesians 4:28

2. Jesus expects us to give to, and help those in need out of the love God has poured into us!

I John 3:16-18

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Message: “Fix Your Thoughts on Jesus!” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “The Book of Hebrews.” Fix Your Thoughts On Jesus!
Hebrews 3:1-6
Main Point:
We must fix our on Jesus, our faithful Apostle and High Priest!

1. Jesus is greater than Moses not only because He is the Son of God, but because He was faithful in His call to provide ____________________________for us. (2:17)

I John 2:1-2

Verse 5 *Moses was faithful as a servant in the house, but Jesus is faithful as the Son over the house.

2. Jesus has made us and is finishing us into a ___________
of God. (verse 6)

I Timothy 3:14-15

3. Therefore, we are to Jesus, our
Apostle and High Priest! (verse 1 & 6)

II Corinthians 4:18

Message: “Fix Your Thoughts on Jesus!” from Tom Leonard Read More »

Message: “A Faith that Saves” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” A FAITH THAT SAVES
James 2:14-19

Main Point:
True Saving Faith will produce obedient good works in my life.

1. Question: Can faith without deeds save a person? (verse 14)
Save from what? God’s Judgment! (verses 12-13)

*The foundation of true saving Faith is expressed in Romans 10:9-10

2. False faith is an intellectual belief in God, that does not result in obedient good works. (verses 18-20)

Verse 19 Demons have intellectual belief!

Verse 17 ‘Faith without works is dead!’

Illustration: A brother or sister in . (verses 15-17)

I John 3:16-18

3. We are to show our true faith by our ! (verse 18 – “…I
will show you my faith by what I do.”)

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Message: “Already, But Not Yet” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “The Book of Hebrews.” Already, But Not Yet

Hebrews 2:5-9

Main Point:
Jesus Christ conquered death and in Him man’s dominion over all things is . Although we do not yet see everything under His control, we can live victoriously in this life through His victory and power!

*One day, Christ’s kingdom will be fully consummated – until then we live in the already but not yet!

1. Man was created to have over all creation.
Genesis 1:27-28

Psalm 8:4-6 is quoted, without reference because of its fame.

Death was never part of God’s ’ ’ plan for man.
Romans 6:12

2. Part of the consequence of disobedience was the loss of dominion – man and creation were to Satan.
Romans 8:18-21; I John 3:7-8

*Jesus is the of our restored dominion.

3. We can now live in the ’ ’ (the dominion of Christ) or in the ‘Not yet’ (in the defeat of our flesh). Romans 5:17

Hebrews 10:12-14

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Message: “Send Us Lord!” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” Send Us Lord!
Romans 10:8-15

Main Point
God calls some to go to so that they may hear and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ – let us send and support them!

1. There are many who have the Gospel, and therefore how can they believe in the One they have not yet heard of? verses 14-15

*The heart of the Gospel is stated in verses 9-10

John 3:16-17

2. Those sent to people that they may hear the Gospel of Christ have ‘ ’. verse 15

*Here in Romans 10 it is applied to those who bring good news of freedom from captivity to sin.

*Verse 17 ‘Consequently, faith comes by hearing the message, and the message is heard through the Word of Christ.’

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