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CloseTom Leonard - June 16, 2019
The Good News!
The Good News! Acts 5:12-42 Main Point: The Good News (Gospel) of God brings us forgiveness, healing, deliverance, and the indwelling gift of the Spirit! (1) What is the Good News (Gospel)? *verses 30-32* *Signs & Wonders accompany the Gospel, not lead us! Mark 16:1 (2) The apostles were preaching the Gospel at great cost (chp.3; 5:18; 5:40 - arrested 2x & flogged). Are we sharing the Gospel? List those you can prayer for and look for an opp. to share (3) How did God rescue them from persecution? *verses 34-39* God used Gamaliel, one of the Pharisees, to defend them! Even though they were flogged, they went rejoicing to bear suffering! *He will enable you to stand strong in the face of persecution. (4) How were the apostles able to be effective? *verse 32* - The power of the indwelling gift of the Holy Spirit! *God gives the Spirit to those who obey the Gospel (believe on & receive Jesus Christ)! Have you received the gift of the Spirit?!
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From Series: "Acts of the Apostles"
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