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CloseTom Leonard - November 2, 2014
Believe Like Abraham!
Believe Like Abraham! Romans 4:1-12 Main Point: We are called to have a faith like Abraham – to believe God so that righteousness is credited to us. Genesis 12:1-3 Abraham’s call Believe (pisteuo) = to be persuaded, to be convinved of its truth > to take God at His Word! (God is behind it!) 1. Abraham had a believing response to God’s promise, and it was credited to him as righteousness. (verses 1-3) Credit = to reckon, count it towards one’s account Genesis 15:1-6 2. We cannot gain righteousness by works, for a wage given to one who works is not a gift, but an obligation – and we cannot gain righteousness by works of the Law (3:20). (verses 4-5) 3. We must have a believing response to God’s provision of salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ’s sacrificial atonement so that it is credited to us as righteousness! (verses 11b-12) Romans 3:21-22
Scripture References: Romans 4:1-12, Genesis 12:1-3, Genesis 15:1-6, Romans 3:21-22
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