
Message: “Are you in the Family?” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” Are You in the Family?

Ephesians 2:17-22

Main Point:
We are to embrace each other in Christ as God’s New Spiritual Family ; His living temple in which He dwells by His Spirit; and His instrument of reconciliation!

1. A new Family -God, not man, created the church as a living organism; a new family, not merely an organization.
(verses 18-19)
> Jesus, ‘I will build my church!’ Matthew 16:18

Galatians 3:26-28

*We must embrace each other in Christ as brothers and sisters in God’s new family. He gives us a new spiritual identity and belonging!

We read also in verse 20, that this new family is a household ‘built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Jesus Christ as the chief cornerstone.’

So are you in this new Family, God’s living household, the church?! Romans 10:9-10

2. A living Temple – We, the church together, are a dwelling/habitation in which God lives by His Spirit! verses 21-22

3. An Instrument of Reconciliation – God created the church to be His instrument of reconciliation and redemption. We are
to take this message to all people near and afar! vvs. 17-18

Message: “Are you in the Family?” from Tom Leonard Read More »

Message: “What Are We Devoted to?” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Acts of the Apostles.” What Are We Devoted to?
Acts 2:42-47
Lenis’ car – after being serviced at dealership, as she was driving home, wheel came off went rolling down the road!
Like four wheels on a car – keep it balanced, rolling, moving forward – so are these four pillars of the church!

We want our church to move forward and be dynamic, effective at accomplishing what the Lord has called us to… Reach people with the Gospel, Grow them as disciples, Equip them to Serve with their gifts/abilities. Jesus said He would build His church – we have to our part – be devoted to these pillars of the church. IAC is a good church with a lot of great people, we can be a great church – meaning more effective…

Main Point:
Our discipleship in Christ must translate into Devotion/commitment to these four pillars of the church: Apostle’s teaching; Fellowship; Breaking of Bread; and Prayer (Worship!)

>Those who were saved (3000+) committed, devoted themselves to these…

How did people around them know that they were Jesus’ disciples? Their discipleship, belonging, was first confirmed, first seen by their devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ, and devotion to His people! Same for us!

‘Devoted’ = Steadfast attention and adherence. Committed to it! When we are devoted this way the life and power of Christ is manifest! (verses 43-45)

1. We must be devoted to the Apostle’s Teaching – Christ’s Word.

What is the ‘Apostle’s teaching’ = the Scriptures fulfilled in, and revealed/ fulfilled/expressed through Jesus Christ. (especially the Gospel – the fulfillment of God’s plan & purposes). verses 29-33

> Jesus ‘Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away.’ Matt. 24:35 ‘Father, sanctify them by the truth; your Word is truth!’ John 17:17

Isaiah 40:8 ‘…The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the Word of the Lord stands forever.’

> Peter quotes (I Peter 1:24-25) and then says ‘And this is the Word that was preached to you.’

*This means I have embraced God’s Word as the truth, and am Submitted to the Authority of His Word, and especially to the authority of the teachings and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I live it, and it is my source of authority.

*I am submitting my ‘opinions!’

> I am learning and obeying it! Ps 119:105 ‘Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.’

2. We must be devoted to the Lord Jesus Christ, His Word, – and to the ‘fellowship’ – His Body! verse 42

You belong to me, I belong to you – we belong to each other – in Christ’s Body – a new identity, a new belonging.
‘Fellowship’ = participation, partnership, belonging (Spiritual oneness, belonging of the Body of Christ – given by the Spirit!).
Therefore, they were together > READ verse 44

God, thru the Spirit, created a new family, with a new identity and is building us a beautiful new dwelling place of God – called the church!

>Ephesians 2:19-22

3. We must be devoted to the Lord Jesus Christ – (His Word, Fellowship of His Body) and to the ‘Breaking of Bread.’
verses 42c & 46
We can call this community-
= Community – sharing life together and committed to/encouraging/caring for each other. (Example verse 44-45).

They also celebrated communion together in the context of the common meal – love feast – symbolized their oneness in Christ – I Corinthians 11:20-22; 33-34

They used their gifts to minister to one another! I Peter 4:10

4. We must be devoted to the Lord Jesus Christ – (His Word, Fellowship of His Body, Community) and to Prayer.
verse 42d

‘Prayer’ = Corporate Intercession, Praise & Worship

Acts 4:23-31

I Thess 5:17 ‘Pray continually’!

Message: “What Are We Devoted to?” from Tom Leonard Read More »

Message: “Prophecy Predicted Jesus!” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Acts of the Apostles.” Prophecy Predicted Jesus!
Acts 2:14-41
Main Point
The prophecies about the Messiah were in Jesus (Yeshua), we must embrace Him as Lord and Messiah.

Philippians 2:5-11

1. David prophesied the Messiah would not remain in :
Jesus died but God raised Him from the dead! verses 23-32

2. The prophet Joel prophesied about the pouring out of the _____________: Jesus poured out the Spirit on His disciples!
verses 16-21

*The signs and wonders showed that the kingdom had come in Jesus. Now the fullness of the kingdom was inaugurated through the pouring out of the Holy Spirit!

3. We must Jesus Christ as Lord and Messiah, be baptized in His Name, and we receive forgiveness, and the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit. verses 38-39

3,000 believed and were added to their number (the church called out ones Mt 16:18).

Romans 10:9-10

Message: “Prophecy Predicted Jesus!” from Tom Leonard Read More »

Message: “Power to Live! (Part II)” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Acts of the Apostles.” Power to Live! (Part 2)
Acts 2:1-13
Main Point
The Spirit was poured out on Pentecost which is the fulfillment of the Father’s promise, so now the Spirit will indwell and empower every disciple of Jesus to live an overcoming life!

*The Promise of the Father!
~(Jeremiah 31:33: Ezekiel 36:26-27 Listen to these messages in media center on our website

Charles Stanley: “The power of the Holy Spirit is God’s divine energy and authority released in the life of the believer for the purpose of Godly living and fruitful service.”

Historical Context – ‘Pentecost’ or feast of weeks…

v. 4 ‘They were all filled with the Holy Spirit…’
1. The gift of the Spirit was given to indwell every disciple to enable us to live an overcoming life!

v. 4 ‘All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit…’

Romans 8:9-11 The indwelling Spirit gives us real life!

2. The gift of the Spirit was given to empower every disciple of Jesus so that we can live as effective witnesses of Him.

Galatians 5:16
Memory verse:John 7:37-39 “Jesus said,‘If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink’.”…By this He meant the Spirit.

Message: “Power to Live! (Part II)” from Tom Leonard Read More »

Message: “Power to Live!” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Acts of the Apostles.” Power to Live!
Acts 2:1-13
Main Point
The Spirit was poured out on Pentecost which is the “Fulfillment” of the Father’s promise, so now the Spirit will indwell and empower every disciple of Jesus to live an overcoming life!

Jeremiah 31:33 Ezekiel 36:26-27

Q – are you living a Spirit-filled life? An overcoming life?

*You and I need the power of the indwelling Spirit to live!

Historical Context – Pentecost or feast of weeks (Deut.16:16)

1. The gift of the Spirit was given to “Indwell” every disciple of Jesus to enable us to live an overcoming life!

Romans 8:9-11 The indwelling Spirit gives us real life!

2. The gift of the Spirit was given to “Empower” every disciple of Jesus so that we can live as effective witnesses of Him!

v.12 ‘…What does this mean?’ Jesus’ Spirit living in us should cause people to ask this question about our lives!

*Memory verse: Jesus (John 7:37-39) ‘If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him. By this he meant the Spirit whom those who believed in him were later to receive.’

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Message: “Know What You’re Saved From!” from Tom Leonard

A message from the series “Not Part of a Series.” Know What You’re Saved From!
Titus 3:4-7

Main Point:
We have to know what we were saved from, and what we are called to now!

The Gospel (Good News) in a nutshell: (five finger Gospel) “Jesus Christ died & was raised so that you & I could be forgiven and live a new life.”

C&MA – We are a world-wide Alliance of like-minded disciples who Exalt Jesus Christ as Savior, Sanctifier, Healer & Coming King; and we are committed to complete His Commission.


1. We were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by passions and pleasures. (verse 3)
> therefore we were enemies of God > Romans 5:10

*Ephesians 2:1-3 > Dead in sin v.1; Dominated by the world, our flesh, and the Devil v.2-3; Damned by God’s wrath v.3.

2. How does God save us from this dilemma? verses 5-6
> Basis? = Kindness & Love – v.4)

*Washing of rebirth & renewal by the Holy Spirit. v. 5
v. 6 Poured out upon us thru Jesus Christ our Savior =the Gospel!

3. How are we to now live? (verses 1-2, 8)

*v.8 Devote ourselves to doing what is good! > verses 1-2

Message: “Know What You’re Saved From!” from Tom Leonard Read More »

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